Wednesday, 30 April 2008

When the letter box bangs.

One of my favourite moments of the day is when the post man has been and you hear the metal 'clink' together for a split second.

I always rush to the post box to see what's there, as a avid subscriber to magazines, I was happy to see my new issue of Selvedge magazine had arrived this morning, ( ) and when i gingerly peeled back the plastic mailer bag I found that I had been sent a gift.

A Saltwater make up case infact.
This issue was extremely uplifting and thought inspiring as it was packed with colour, [reminded me of an Innocent smoothie] texture and depth from within those well designed pages.
We are only on Issue 22 and I feel like it'd been her as long as Vogue.

One of the articles was on Julie Arkell's Paper doll- Home made House.

She is a delightful lady with a wicked sense for design. I spent most of the morning peering at the photo's of her home, and the thousands of little things that kept indivually jumping out at me.

They look like they are having a fab time don't they?

I particially like the way they look like they are side-stepping up the stair case!

As a Haberdasher myself, i simply adore this photograph of Julie's sewing thread collection. All the silky threads, glossy in the light.
What i found extremely interesting is that, you can book a class for a day to go and study with her. It costs very little, concidering what you would gain from the experience. Something i have mentally added to my wish list of things to go and do 2009.

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